Gingerbread Man Soap
Gingerbread Man Soap
Gingerbread Man Soap

Gingerbread Man Soap

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Run, run, run as fast as you can.
You’ll never catch me, I’m the gingerbread man.

Each Gingerbread man soap is hand made. It is the most popular item around Christmas time. It’s a great stocking stuffer, but who wouldn’t want their very own little gingerbread man! It smells just like gingerbread.


To Use: Keep Soap in a dry area, ventilated area when not in use. By creating an ideal dry area your soap will last far longer.

Product Info:
Color used: Cappuccino (brown )and Merlot sparkle (red)

Soap base: Goats milk and Clear Glycerin

Scent: Gingersnap

Weight: 3.8oz

Ingredients: Sorbitol, Propylene Glycol, Sodium Laureth Sulfate,
Sodium Stearate, Sodium Myristate, Sodium Laurate, Goat Milk, Yellow 5,
Glycerin, Water, Titanium Dioxide, Fragrance oil, Mica.

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